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Unigraf NEW Quad LVDS Frame Grabber 512 UFG-04 QLVDS-512 062748

Unigraf NEW Quad LVDS Frame Grabber 512 UFG-04 QLVDS-512 062748

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产品名称:UNIGRAF NEW Quad LVDS Frame Grabber 512 UFG-04 QLVDS-512 062748

备件号: UFG-04 QLVDS-512

Testing TV and Monitor Electronics
UFG-04 LVDS is an optimal tool for testing the functionality of TV main boards scaler boards or even TCON boards. The capture card replaces the flat panel module for the testing. The board is compatible will all LVDS data configurations resolutions, screen sizes and timings. The flexible design of the internal data handling enables custom data input configurations and advanced on-board image functions.

Two Boards, Four Channels
Two syncronized UFG-04 LVDS frame grabber boards enable the capture of four channel LVDS (Quad LVDS) sources. The synchronization makes sure that the Master and the Slave boards are capturing portions of the same input frame. The provided software will combine the portions together to combine a full quad frame for viewing and storage. The maximum capturing speed in four channel LVDS mode is 540 Mpix/s enabling the capture of e.g. 1080p @ 120 Hz input. A special four card combination can capture 1080p @ 240 Hz using eight (8) LVDS channels. Please contact Unigraf for details.

UFG-04 LVDS frame grabber enables the capture of high resolution LVDS video with the full 10 bits per color depth. The on board frame buffer enables the capture of up to 1000 dropless video clips regardless of the PC bus bottlenecks.


• Captures images from High Definition LVDS sources
• 4 channels 1080p @120 Hz capture
• Optionally 8 channels 1080p @ 240 Hz capture
• 10 bits per color
• Two (optionally four) synchronized PCIe cards
• Up to 500 continous 1080p frames







联系人:杨 先 生


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